Friday, June 1, 2012

Golf Etiquette

Memorial Day is traditionally the official start to the craziness of the golf season.  At Richter, we are quickly approaching 14,000 rounds year to date.  This time last year we were barely at 6,500.  As you may have already figured out, having opened on March 14th, the season is already several weeks longer than anticipated.  Comparing this spring to last is like comparing apples and oranges!  What a welcome change to the never-ending challenges we faced last year.  By all accounts it looks to be a great season and now I am asking for a little help.

With the recent heavy rains, the greens are softer than usual and because of that, along with all the play, ball marks really are more pronounced for this time of year.  I am asking every golfer to make the effort to repair their ball mark (plus one more!) during their round. This will go a long way toward helping us maintain smooth, consistent putting surfaces throughout the entire summer.

Bunker raking is another area we can all work together to further enjoy the course.  While nobody enjoys playing in the bunkers - which are technically hazards - they are an integral part of the golf course.  The turf crew rakes the bunkers every morning ahead of play and as a courtesy, every golfer should rake the bunkers smooth after hitting their golf shot.  It’s upsetting to find the traps with footprints in them late in the afternoon.  A little effort goes a long way and helps everyone have a more enjoyable experience.

The last way we can all work together is replacing your divots in the fairways.  This is the time of year when the carts are equipped with a sand/seed bottle and the goal of the golfer is to use the entire bottle and then find a player assistant and ask for another.  My goal is to be playing "summer rules" before the official start of summer and this is another way to help preserve the experience.

Thanks for playing at Richter Park and for pitching in to make it even better.  We are without a doubt the best public course in Connecticut; nobody can beat our layout, our scenery and our picturesque backdrop.  With a little more teamwork across the board we can work toward making it even better.

One last request is when applying your insect repellant and bug spray please attempt to apply on a cart path or in the rough.  The application has a tendency to severely injure or kill putting surfaces.