Monday, June 18, 2012

Golf Course Vandalism

# 4 Green, Divot Taken on 6/15

The season is in full swing and we are off to a fabulous start.  Mother nature has somewhat been cooperating and the next week looks like summer will arrive.

With the increase in play we also see more issues with vandalism and abuse of the course.  Recently we have had problems with divots being taken from the greens.

Another issue that is happening on a regular basis is the ropes and stakes we use to detour traffic have been knocked down allowing free range of all carts.  These stakes are strategically placed to allow for recovery of turf. While we understand the inconvenience the ropes preset we ask for your understanding in realizing that this will allow Richter to thrive throughout the rigors of the long golf season we still have ahead.


jackdos65 said...

These stakes are strategically placed to allow for recovery of Turf but i have seen problem with divots being taken from the greens if you want to solve i have solution for your problem.if you want to have visit our site.