The season has been a polar opposite of last year and all signs are to finishing strong. This week I decided to Aerify 6, 7 and 14 greens. The reason was the constant stress we introduced to the new creeping bentgrass was starting to become more visual and with the focus on long term health we decided to give them a kick start. You might ask why in the world would we take a perfectly looking green, beat it up and make it look like it went through a 12 round heavyweight fight? The answer is relatively simple, to make it better in the long term. Creeping Bentgrass is about to enter its ideal growing season and performing cultural activities now allows for better performance in the future.
This season has been ideal for golf but the turf is hanging on by a thread. Poa is one mistake away from death and the bent was getting leggy and puffy. Performing cultural activities such as verticutting, aerifying and grooming must be performed to allow us to manage for the future. This most recent practice should be healed in a few days, though mother nature plays the biggest role in speeding up the process. The days are getting shorter and nights at some point in time should get cooler, all awesome ingredients to experience a little breather and set our sights on the finish line. This season has been far from a sprint and is beginning to look like an ultra triathlon. We started on March 14th and all signs indicate to a great fall. Thanks for your patience as we continue trying to keep Richter as your place to call home.
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