Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Soil Talk

Actual Soil Test

I am a soil guy, admit to enjoy playing in the dirt, but I really enjoy bringing the soil in balance through sustainable agriculture.  Every single input we apply to turf has a reason and that is to create balance.  I started a comprehensive soil testing program at Richter in 2006 and take pride in the progress we have made to bring the big players in balance.  The big players are Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium and Sodium.  Regardless of what turfgrass we are growing if these 4 players are in proper % then the plant will receive all the nutrients it requires for survival with minimal inputs required. 

Should you every have any questions regarding soils or achieving a healthy balance in the soil feel free to reach out.  Often times the focus is on driving PH or adding Limestone and if a few more pieces of the puzzle are exposed you can find out what deficiencies are the driving force in preventing your home lawn from thriving for years to come.