Friday, January 11, 2013

Morning Sunrise

Just a great shot this morning looking over the first hole.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Winter update

Winter is here and we have been lucky enough to have snow cover going on 2 weeks now.  This is good and will help insulate the turf, especially the new sod on the tees.  The weekend forecast calls for warm weather so most if not all of the snow will be gone.  Snow is not our concern this time of year, we really only focus on days under ice cover.  Monitoring of the turf continues throughout the winter and everything looks great so far.

My current projections put us approximately 60 days from our projected target for opening day.  While this is a rough target date right now it will fall in line with our 2012 opening date that was March 14th.  Hope everyone enjoys the rest of winter and see you in the spring.

I will be using Twitter this year for important updates.  Find me @RichterSupt.  Frost, course conditions, weather are just a few of the topics that will be tweeted.