Monday, September 17, 2012

Fall is Here and Some Dead Spots from a Visitor.....

Fall Fertilizer
It has been a while since the last update and overall we are surviving the season and moving into fall with a great foundation for success.  Fall is a time for recovery and seeing how we started the season on March 14th with guns a blazing it feels good to make it to the finish line. We have applied the 1st of 2 organic fertilizer applications to our fairways and now really start focusing on putting the course to sleep.  While we experienced some bumps and bruises along the way, especially on 6 and 7 greens we will move on to bigger and better next year.

#12 Green
Currently we are fighting from forces other than Mother Nature.  On #12 Green you will see numerous dead spots.  These are all from our resident Blue Heron deciding to use the green as a personal toilet.  The spots are dead for sure and we will begin plugging them out very soon.  We will be spiking, verticutting and topdressing this week so the spots will not be as visible and then will attempt to start scaring our flying friend to other pastures.  We will not be core aerifying until the last week in October and then we will Deep tine 2 times during the month of November.  These cultural practices will help develop deep roots and encourage proper drainage during the freeze thaw of winter. Below you will see a picture of our flying friend.

Blue Heron