Thursday, July 5, 2012

Venting and Drought

Well we have made it past the 4th of July and Mother Nature is still playing a pretty good game of poker.  This week we went out with 1/4" venting tines on all the greens to help them survive this little hot spell we are experiencing.  Venting will allow for oxygen to incorporate into the root zone and release any gasses trapped beneath the surface. This process will also allow for some potential root growth and better penetration of water  This process will in no way affect the performance of the greens, other than being a little bumpy for a day or so.  You will also be more likely to see us out cooling or syringing the greens during the day.  While we would love to not bother you during your round it is required, especially now that we have had more 90 degree days than all of last year combined.

On a different topic you might notice that #8 pond is extremely low of water.  We are in dire need of rain and the pond next to 8 green will probably run dry in the next few days. There is pretty much nothing we can do to prevent this from happening.  If it goes 100% dry we might attempt to install a pond liner and minimize this from happening again.  We are monitoring the situation daily and trying to remove the dead fish as soon as they surface.  The death of the fish is a combination of oxygen depletion and heat.  I am sure you would all like to join us in a rain dance, not asking for every day, just one nice storm that drops a few inches.

Other than that we are really doing a good job at holding our own.  The roughs are beginning to really brown out, but other than than the playable areas of the golf course are weathering this little hiccup extremely well.  Thanks for continuing to make Richter your place to enjoy a round of golf.  We truly appreciate the business and will continue improving the course to increase your enjoyment.